Monday, October 09, 2006

just a note

It has been pointed out to me, with distinct clarity, that, as a writer, I do not write in my blog near enough. Well I say, to those negative souls, "everybody likes to go their own way--to choose their own time and manner of devotion." Therefore, I will write when and how I chose to write and I will write about whatever I wish. The frequency of my devotion should not be judged or criticized by those who also lack the constant urgency to correct grievances. Particularly those grievances that we commit against ourselves. Are those grievances, with their lack of outside parties, somehow less deserving of our attention? Do they not scream out in protest as any other? Is not a grievance against oneself, perhaps, the more brutal of offenses? If one cannot avoid injury to one’s self or at least correct the grievance brought upon one’s self then how are they ever to accomplish the correcting of such grievances against another?


Blogger Mrs. H said...

Wow. Sounds a little bitter. Deep, too. I had to read it a couple of times. So basically, it's the whole "pull the log out of your own eye before you try to take the splinter out of your neighbor's", huh? That's what I got at least. :)

10/13/2006 1:34 PM  

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