Sunday, June 26, 2005

Name That Dessert

#1) A small puffy pastry, typically served as a Mexican dessert smothered in honey.

#2) A bread like dessert stuffed with whip cream and glazed with a sugary substance.

#1) Sopapillas.
#2) Not sopapillas, no matter who says they are!

Who do these people think they are kidding? Come on! Whip cream, get serious!!!


Tuesday, June 21, 2005


By the way . . . . . . . . pickles and cookies will give you the runs. Just thought I would let everyone know, in case you were thinking of trying it.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Pickles and Cookies

It was a long night, a long night to follow up a long day. Nothing had gone right. At work, the numbers were low and the tempers high. So I ducked out of there at the first opportunity. Just to get home and find my electricity shot and my food storage low. Too late to hit my favorite restaurant, besides HE would be there. And I don’t want to see him. So I sit down to my candle light dinner of Valasic hamburger slices and Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. All in all it wasn’t a bad finish to a bad day.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


hi its me. and i am too tired to write much. so i'm done. good night.