Saturday, September 17, 2005


So I know I bitch about spanish a lot. But oh well. The work is really starting to pile up (not just for spanish). I have been doing homework, now, for 5 ½ hours. And I can truthfully say that I am only about half way done with this week’s assignments. Plus, now I am hungry.

So you know how I told you about pretending to take notes so my Spanish teacher wouldn’t call on me? Well the other day in class my teacher was calling on students to recite a dialogue that we had to make up. Well my partner and I are not so good at Spanish. So as the teacher was looking around to call on someone I was diligently writing in my notebook. So diligently was I writing that when she tried to call on me I accidentally ignored her. She kept saying, “You, girl in the back” and I kept ignoring her. She finally had to ask my partner what my name was to get me to answer her question. Then of course, I answered the question like an idiot. Yo increaseo el priceo of el dresso de la chicio.

This one is very funny. Especially for you stinky boys.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Just trying to make your reading expreince more enjoyable by being interactive. In case you didn't know this is one of those pictures that is like a phrase.
Anyhow, some interesting things have been going on at my work. I can't explain them here, but lets just say it invovles authories and lawyers. Very intereseting situation. I guess it is not very nice of me to mention an interesting story if i have no intention of telling you what the story is, is it? so in that case i guess i will tell you a story. Once upon a time in a land far far from Africa there was a young Hippo. And this hippo loved noodles .............

Thursday, September 01, 2005


There was a riddle i heard in high school, that i have thought about at least a thousand times since then and i still don't know the answer. Well, that is, i didn't know the answer until last night. So I want to give all of you a chance to figure out this riddle. I would like to see if i am the only one who didn't get it. I hope not, i would hate to think of all those wasted years pondering the ever lasting riddle.

so here goes:

Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it

ps: googling the riddle is cheating!!!!