Thursday, August 24, 2006


Poop. Man, poop is a funny thing. Fisrt of all poop is a funny word. Who doesn't laugh when they hear the word poop, or kaka, or doo doo or any other funny words that refer to the stinky, colorful, smelly discharge of the anus. Anus, thats a funny one too. You know whats even more funny than the word poop? Poop itself. The funniest (yes i know thats not a real word) thing in the world is when Captain Kaka sh*ts so much that it is falling out of his pants and all over the floor. Nothing quite as funny and other people stepping in Captians Kaka's poop after it fell out of his pants. Other funny occurances of poop. Saturday Night Live skit "Celebrity Jepordy." :
"What year is it?" Alex Trabeck
"POOP" Sean Connery
Ha ha that Sean Connery he cracks me up.

Another celebrity impersonator that is absolutly hilarious. check out this

it is about 11 minutes long but worth every minute.